Saturday, October 29, 2005

Miss you, dad

Tomorrow my dad will have been gone 3 years. It sucks. I mean, I guess it gets easier, or at least you get used to it, but it doesn't suck any less. As the kids grow up it makes me so sad that he isn't here to see it, that they don't get to know him. He was such a fun guy, and kids loved him...he was everybody's favorite uncle, even to kids of his friends he was "Uncle Rog".

He was the sort of guy that would give you the shirt off his back, then take you out for a beer to get your mind off it. Sometimes I thought he was TOO nice, and that people took advantage of that...but he always knew the score. I guess he just liked to help people to help them, not for gratitude or anything else in return.

He was a great dad, too. If I needed anything, he'd go without if he had to so he could help me. He never had lots of money, it wasn't that important to him, but he would come up with it if I needed the time I got into that accident with no insurance and he didn't even lecture me, just gave me the $600 to fix the other girl's car. If I was having a hard time with a boyfriend or with my mom, I could call up my dad and he'd give me good, practical advice, while sounding impartial. Later he would tell me he wanted to go kick somebody's ass about it, but he would always make me work through things on my own.

Lots of people say he IS around, he CAN see me and the kids, which may or may not be true. I wish I had that kind of faith. I wish I could sense him around me, talk to him and feel like he could hear me. I just feel like he's gone. Sometimes I have dreams about him and I try SO hard to hang on to them, try to remember every detail, because that's the only time I really feel like he isn't so gone. But the dreams fade and I'm still left with this hole in my life.

It sucks.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Dream big, little man!

I know I posted this on the boards, but I want to remember it later...

Seth was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said "Batman". Breathe easy tonight, world. Seth will take care of it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Got a new vacuum. It reminds me of the vacuum on Mr. Mom, hence the "Jaws". (if you don't remember that, GO WATCH THE MOVIE!). Main difference being, the only person that will be using THIS Jaws is MRS. Mom.

Anyway. I couldn't talk the husband into a Dyson (he being of the "for that much it better vacuum itself!!" camp) so opted for this Bissell. It has these very handy dust cup thingies, which let you see just how much dust you sucked out of your carpet. Horrifying. No wonder my kid can't stop coughing.

Ok, so far this week, this is the most exciting thing that has happened. Good times.

I can't believe I took a picture of a VACUUM. Then blogged about it. What have I become?!?!

Monday, October 24, 2005


That's how we say it in our house. "PUMPKINS!!!" We're very excited about the pumpkins.

Look! Seth didn't gag at all!

Yes, he is in his underwear. He
was sick all weekend, why bother
with clothes?

I wish I'd never taught them to
say "cheese". Now I can never
get a normal smile.

The usual suspects

Name: Seth Charles
Age: 3 1/2
Nicknames: Bubby, Punkin Head
Likes: things that go, tormenting
his sister, lemonade
Dislikes: food that is not processed
beyond recognition, people
touching his feet

Name: Anna Elizabeth
Age: 1 1/2
Nicknames: Trouble, Banana
Likes: milk, doggies, shoes
Dislikes: Being tormented by
her brother, wearing shoes in
the car, being cold

Name: Lucy (Kitty)
Age: undetermined
Nicknames: Smelly Cat, Houdini
Likes: naps, Whiska Lickins, naps,
Whiska Lickins, escaping to the great
Dislikes: vacuums, tail pulling, head
butting, being chased

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