Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday rants

  1. Graham cracker packaging. WTF? It's impossible to get into the damn things without breaking half of them and/or covering your kitchen with crumbs. There has to be a better way.
  2. The post office. Why could I get my People on Friday in Michigan, but not in North Carolina? I know it's not "late", but I'm used to getting my useless news on FRIDAY, and Saturday, or Monday, or even Tuesday is just not acceptable to me.
  3. People that think way ahead. I went to the movie store this morning, hoping to avoid the weekend rush and secure a copy of Curious George for the kids to watch. First of all, they only had 8 copies, and secondly, they were ALL GONE. Gone!
  4. The movie store. Not just for only having 8 copies of a new kid's release, but for their bullshit "two day rental." I got a movie at 11:30, and it has to be back by noon tomorrow. That is precisely 24.5 hours. NOT two days. I don't CARE if those 24.5 hours are in two separate days. It's NOT two days.
  5. Stupid NickJr. If you're going to have a new episode of a show for the first time in forever, why the hell are you advertising it for a month beforehand? KIDS DON'T GET IT WHEN YOU SAY "OCTOBER 9." They want to see the Backyardigans in the rocket ship like yesterday. I don't know what purpose this early advertising serves, except to make parents insane.
  6. Kids's networks in general. Get with the program. REAL TV shows have a whole season of new shows, and then they take a break in the summer and show reruns. This new show every 6 months is annoying, and yet you advertise it like we should throw a damn party. MAKE MORE NEW SHOWS. (no I don't let my kids watch tv all the time, BUT there are certain shows they like, but they are always reruns. Not that they really care.)
  7. This TJ Maxx. Now, I LOVE the Maxx. But I hate how the aisles are so narrow and stuffed with crap that you can't get a cart down them. Why have carts if I can't fit them down the aisles? I mean, I know the place is just chock full of super bargains, but get somebody to organize your layout or something, people.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Resistance is futile

When my kids were born, I was sort of anti-kids' music. I don't think it matters when they're really little, and then as Seth got bigger, I noticed he liked Barenaked Ladies, then the Beatles, and other "real" music. I mean, sure, we sang the songs ourselves, but I couldn't stand the CDs where kids sang, or even worse, when they use *that lady* with the really cloying voice. You know *that lady*, right? It might be different people, but they all have that certain kind of voice.

Well. Let me tell you. I listened to a veggie tales CD TWO TIMES today. And we have this other one with all those nursery rhyme songs on it sung by *that lady* AND kids...of course the kids love it. I'll look back and see them both slack jawed, soaking it all in. It's like I've deprived them of this vital nourishment their whole lives, and now they're making up for the lack. And of course it can't be Laurie Berkener that gives them this response, because I actually enjoy her has to be the most annoying kind of kids' music in existence.

Of course I put it on. Anna has gotten particularly demanding in the car lately, and I have the choice to either lose my ever loving mind from her screaming, or from the horrible music. Since the music doesn't make me want to jump out of the moving vehicle, I'm going with that.

I know this is just the beginning. In a few short years they will be harassing me to put in whatever it is kids are going to be listening to then. I can't wait!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Anna wanted "pretty toes" so here they are. I don't care if I steered her toward it, I'm glad pink and purple are her favorite colors, that she likes her toes painted, and her current favorite toy is a pink stuffed pegasus with a purple and silver mane.

In my defense, she also likes to run and get dirty and isn't afraid to smack her brother when he gets in her face. (of course she gets time outs for it, but I'm secretly glad she fights back)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


You know the trend to be bigger and better has gone too far when your roll of toilet paper doesn't even fit on the dispenser. We have some Charmin super de-duper rolls or whatever they're calling them, and they say "our biggest roll ever!" like it's some big accomplishment to wrap more paper around a cardboard tube. I just want to be able to turn the damn roll and get some tp! Where does it end?

I don't get it

I LOVE the internet. Think it's the best thing EVER. Of course it has it's downfalls, like anything, and I think the biggest one is that it brings the weirdos together. I mean, there were always pedophiles and people who like to be crapped on out there, but before the internet, they kept it low key because they KNEW they were fucked up, right? But now there are communities out there for every damn thing, and the weird and hateful now know that there are OTHER weird and hateful people out there just like them, and now they don't feel so weird anymore. Things that were once frowned upon, and still should be, are becoming more acceptable, and in some cases, even mainstream.

I think it's fine for some things...I mean, if someone WANTS be crapped on and can find someone to be the crapper, well everyone's happy there, right? So whatever. You have your life and I have mine, and if I choose to keep the crap in the toilet, well that's my prerogative.

The thing that gets me the most is the child haters. There are TONS of message boards out there for them, and now it's OKAY to hate kids! I mean, not that it wasn't before, but this is really extreme. Wishing bodily harm and/or death on children? Why is this ok? If someone said the same thing about their DOG, they'd be horrified, but for some reason in their mind it's ok to joke about a kid getting kidnapped or hit by a car.

I get that some people don't want to have kids. I can see why they feel that way! It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. Of course (and I know the child free HATE when people say this), they have no idea what they're missing out on, and most of the time the rewards far outweigh the fact that you have to give up your carefree jet-setting lifestyle that the child-free always cite as one of their reasons for not having kids...but whatever. Your choice, I could care less.

And yes, I do know that not all child-free people necessarily hate children or wish them harm. I hope it's a small but vocal minority. I read some of the postings on these message boards and I'm pretty sure that a lot of the people on there that say they told this "breeder" or that "crotchfruit" off are full of shit, too.

So yeah, I don't get it. Apparently these people wish that everyone would stop having kids. Okay. Let's say for a minute that this was possible. Then what? And (another argument I'm sure they hate) who is going to take care of the old and infirm? And I don't mean financially...I'm sure people without kids are especially able to put aside money for the eventuality that they won't be able to take care of themselves, but who is that money going to be paying? It's those people who are kids now, that are going to grow up to be doctors, or nurses, or pharmacists, or even ass wipers at nursing homes.

Whitney Houston may be certifiably insane, but she was right: children ARE our future. And most of us horrible breeders are doing the best we can, and our kids are going to grow up to be responsible citizens. And maybe we can round up all the people that didn't want them to grow up and they can figure out how to take care of themselves without the help of those they now refer to as "demon spawn."

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Seth starts school in a WEEK!

I'm of course excited, but also nervous. I guess every mom is nervous about that, right? But I feel like I'm MORE nervous.

Today at the park there were some moms there I knew and one I just met, whose daughter is exactly one year (+/- 3 days) younger than Seth. And she is taller than him by like an inch! She's a tall girl, but I hate that. So I hope Seth isn't like the smallest boy in his class. I mean, at all his doctor appointments he's exactly average, has always been in the 50th why do all other four year olds (and some three year olds) look HUGE compared to him?

And then there are other things, just things I think he should be doing and I'm not sure if he just doesn't WANT to or can't, and I'm afraid that I'll find out he can't and he is more behind than I think he is, and that makes me feel bad. I know there's always a chance that once he gets around kids his own age (all the people we hang out with have two year olds) that he'll figure it out and get to I'm trying not to be too worried.

This is just my least favorite part about being a parent. I hate the fact that once he goes out into the real world, he's going to get hurt. Not physically, although I DO worry about that, but emotionally. He's sensitive and shy and I just don't want anyone to make him feel like he's not good enough for whatever reason. How do you not beat down other kids (or their parents) who make your kid feel bad? It has to be tough.

Anyway. I think preschool is going to be a good experience for both of us. It'll hopefully help me feel better about where he's at, and hopefully help him gain a little confidence and make some friends his age. So I'm really really trying to not be so nervous.

It's not working.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I know I'm getting older in that I find myself not liking much new music and thinking that the music from "my" era was the best. My era was the 90s; the birth of grunge and the aftermath. I remember the first time I saw "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Evenflow" on MTV. I was in complete, open mouth awe. THIS was the music I had been waiting for. THESE troubled people were the ones that were speaking for my generation.

But you know, as much as I love the music still, it's hard for me to listen to it. I really have a tendency to heavily associate whatever songs are out with whatever is going on in my almost every single song is all wrapped up in some guy or other. Kind of sad, huh?

Most of the early stuff reminds me of my first boyfriend Eric. All that really angry stuff always brings back those intense feelings of first love gone bad. Alice in Chains especially, because damn, that was angry shit. And I was an angry girl.

And then there are a few songs here and there that will bring back somebody I dated only briefly, and most of these are not great memories either. I can't listen to John Lennon (who I LOVE) because it totally reminds me of this TOTAL PSYCHO I dated. Every single time I hear "Woman" I want to kick myself for ever letting that man within ten feet of me. UGH.

The entire "Before These Crowded Streets" CD reminds me of Chris the volleyball player and that summer we had together. I spent the summer on the beach, watching him play, and then we'd go out down in Saugatuck at night and drink and dance...yeah, those are good memories. Even though I know it would never have worked out permanently with him, that was a fun summer.

And then pretty much everything else reminds me of my husband. This summer, we have known each other ten years. So I was 21 when we met, and I'm 31 basically the great majority of my adult life and the music from those years, all wrapped up in him. Some good, a lot bad...there were so many melancholy times in my life where we were on the outs, and so many songs that bring that back. I have this CD by Counting Crows from when they were on VH1 storytellers, and they are my favorite band and it is a GREAT CD. But it just makes me so sad that I only listen to it if I'm already feeling that way.

Anyway. I'm not sure what the point of this post is, just something I was thinking about today.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

FYI to my cat

First of all, I don't know how you got the impression that I want to pet you at 6 a.m., but I don't. Please wait until my eyes are open and I am moving before you start licking my face, meowing, and purring. It's not cute before sunrise, trust me.

If the kids are up, just hide. You know at some point they're going to chase you, so why do you even bother? Do you wake up each morning thinking, "today is going to be the day when they don't chase me"? While I admire your optimism, they are going to chase you. Every day. Please make a note of it.

The bed does not belong to you. I know this is a tough one, as you sleep on it all day without incident. At night when we get in it, you're going to have to adjust accordingly. Two tall people in a queen size bed do not leave a lot of room for a don't get pissed and try to maul my foot every time I move. And last night, when you snuck up and were sleeping in the pillows (with your butt dangerously near my face)...let's just see that never happens again, ok?

I promise I will not suck you up in the vacuum. You can still hiss at it and run when I bring it out, but I just want to ease your mind.

If you're going to spend 10 minutes scratching litter after you poop, why don't you try to actually cover the poop instead of spreading cat litter for a three feet radius around the box? Just a suggestion.

And one final thing...making a mad dash for the door when it's open is really a bad idea. I'm pretty sure that's how you ended up at the pound in the first place, and I would like to keep you if at all possible.

Thank you and stay fuzzy.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

is that really a NAME?

So in the month I've been in North Carolina, I've come across two women named "Bunny." One on TV and one I met today at the gym. Huh. I can honestly say in my 31 years of living in Michigan, I never once met anyone named Bunny. Is it short for something? Or did their parents actually look at their little baby daughters and say "I like the name Bunny"? But the woman I met today sort of met my expectations of a Bunny...her second sentence was (I asked her if the muscle pump class we were about to start was good) "and I just went to my 40 year high school reunion and I was the best looking one there." She DID look good but really. Conceited much?

Oh and speaking of names...we were at some place and they had shot glasses, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed they had one with "Harlan" on it. Again, in 31 years, never even MET a Harlan, let alone enough Harlans for it to be common enough to be on things like shot glasses or key chains. Of course I had to look and see if they had any with Seth's name on it. Not that Seth is in dire need of a shot glass or anything (although a little whiskey might not be SO bad if it meant he would SLEEP LATER...KIDDING!!) but I figure if they had HARLAN, they should have Seth. But they didn't.

Now my quest is to meet a couple whose names are Harlan and Bunny.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Road rage

I cannot stand the way people drive around here. I always heard people say that Michigan drivers were bad, mostly for passing left turning vehicles on the right...which is a good point, but I can overlook that one small thing when I compare it to what goes on here.

Ok, so it's in the mountains, so there are hardly any actual straight roads. Which is a change for me, but *I* still manage to drive the speed limit, so why can't the people with NC plates do the same? You're always stuck behind some maroon going 30 in a 50 and it makes me want to scream.

And THEN. Every.single.time I am on the highway, people are braking all over the place. What the hell? Highways are set up for a minimum of braking, right? I can see if there's traffic, but it happens at all hours and at all levels of traffic. Some dude will be tooling along and come to a hill and think he's going way too fast down it (you know, like 70...which IS above the speed limit, but just relax on the old accelerator) so he BRAKES. Causing the line of cars behind him (because you're always stuck behind some slow ass while the insane truck drivers pass you) to also brake. ARRGGHHH!

Part of the problem is that this area is growing pretty rapidly. So the planners of these places keep approving more and more subdivisions, but I wonder if they are thinking "do you think those two back roads that get to that other road where there are 499 new houses will be enough for the increased volume??" Apparently not, because it is impossible to get back to my apartment from 4-6 pm, and there are only two options: the aforementioned two back roads, or the highway that is under construction which causes even more asshole driving.

I almost always call somebody a "dumbass" anytime I'm in the car. I try to say it under my breath but Seth is always back there saying "what did you say Mom? What did you SAY???" So I won't be too surprised if my kids start calling people dumbasses.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I got a Cosmo magazine this weekend...why I don't know. I just read it and think "what the hell???" Here are some things that bother me about it:
  1. The Cosmo girl is a myth. The hair, the breasts, the perfect skin...there are maybe 10 women that really look like that. The rest is air brushing, hair extensions, and plastic surgery. So stop trying to make us think that's how we should look!
  2. There aren't THAT many sexual positions. Really.
  3. The grocery store is NOT a good place to meet men! Unless you're looking for a married one, I guess. Single men aren't in there long enough for you to find them, as they only go in for beer, deodorant, and chips.
  4. If their "Confessions" feature is to be believed, people are having sex in closets, airplane bathrooms, with their girlfriend's/boyfriend's best friend/sibling, or at the gym like mad. If that many people are doing this, wouldn't I have noticed by now?
  5. The "Guy Without a Shirt" feature....a little hair on a chest isn't a bad thing, is it? Chests that bare are not natural if a man is over 16 and/or straight.
  6. You can run an article about hair removal every single summer and it still won't convince me I need to get a bikini wax. Ouch.
I know I'm not really in the Cosmo demographic. I'm ok with that.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

So the karma fairy bit me in the ass again

We were at the mall today and there were two little boys going AT IT. Fighting, biting, was ugly. So I said "I'm glad we had one of each so they're not so competitive." Ha. HA HA. Tonight my kids were fighting over...get this....A PIECE OF PAPER. Paper! I shit you not.

I was reading, and happened to have a piece of paper folded in half in my book. It fell out, Anna saw it, so she was looking at it. All of a sudden Seth forgets all about his new cars (from the new CARS movie that's coming out Friday) that he has been hoarding all night, and MUST play post office with this piece of paper. He cannot LIVE if Anna does not want to play post office with it. He tries to entice her to trade her paper for a post it: "look Anna! Look at this little piece of paper! It sticks!!! It's FUN! IT'S A STICKER!!!!"

Well it all went rapidly downhill from the fantastic post it, and ended with Seth holding Anna against the wall and wrestling the paper from her. He got in trouble, and was crying, and then Anna decided to crumple the paper up, which sent him RIGHT over the edge. Luckily (for him or us? I'm not sure) it was right about bedtime, so off he went.

I guess I need to make an offering to the karma fairy or something.

Friday, June 02, 2006

How do people do this?

Sell their house, I mean? Without it looking like somebody actually lives there? The people that we bought this one from had THREE kids, PLUS she was pregnant...but I think she worked, so maybe it would be slightly easier to keep the house clean if nobody was home all day. But they even had a Golden Retriever and the house was so clean the two times we looked at it. I suspect she had a cleaning service. Hmmm not a bad idea, now is it?

I think it would be ok if my kids went to live somewhere else and took the hairy cat with them. I've already banned the cat from upstairs and the kids from the basement...what's next? They'll have an area of three feet by three feet that they must stay in at all times when in the house.

Friday, May 26, 2006

some people....

I went to some party store to get stuff for Anna's birthday yesterday. First of all, these stores are insane, aren't they? My eyes start to bleed if I'm in there too long. The colors! The balloons! Everything you could ever want for a party!!

ANYWAY, I go up to pay for my stuff and there is just one register open. I'm next in line, there's one lady behind me, and then one lady just walking up when another worker walked by and said to ME "I can help you over here!" So I start to go over there, when the third lady that's just walking up moves her happy ass right over there. I was like, whatever, I can wait 30 more seconds to pay for my Mickey Mouse plates if it's THAT important to her. But the worker said to her "I'm sorry ma'am, I was talking to her" and points at me. I could have said "oh, no, I'm fine" or something, but hell no! So I paid for my crap.

So the girl is done with me and says to cutter lady "I can help you now" and the lady said "no. I wait for her." I cracked up. She was in such a hurry before, but now she's insulted because the girl wanted to help people in order of arrival? Weirdo.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


I always eavesdrop on people, like when we're out to eat. I don't know why...I guess I just like to hear what other people are up to. Sometimes I hear things and think "I can't believe they're talking about that in public!", like they should be careful of all the nosey people out there like me.

So tonight we were out and Seth said he had to go poop, but he can't go when we're not at "home" (which for tonight was the hotel), so then Chappie and I started talking about how WE wished we could go, and I said that I did this morning when everyone was sleeping.

It wasn't till later that I thought "holy shit, what if somebody was LISTENING?" and I was totally horrified at myself, lol. Like people at the Original Steakhouse Sports Theater need to know our entire family's pooping issues.

And the thing is, we usually don't even talk about that stuff. We have a most definite closed door pooping policy in our house. I don't need to see my husband taking a crap. I really, really don't. As soon as my kids can reasonably fend for themselves, I'm OUT.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

On being a mother

In honor of Mother's Day tomorrow...

It never ceases to amaze me how motherhood is both the singlemost rewarding and the singlemost frustrating experience. How can someone you love SO MUCH also be somebody that you just cannot stand to be around for one more second some days? How can you go from wanting to lock your children in the basement to wanting to squeeze them in a fraction of a second?

And I get so worried. Most of the parents I know want to do better for their kids than they think their parents did for them. But how do you do that without screwing them up? I was just reading some thing (Dr. Dobson, I think?) and the guy said that HE thinks that leaving your children all your money when you die does them a disservice. What? I always thought that's what you worked for...I mean, you work for YOU and YOUR LIFE, but also to leave something for your kids, so hopefully they won't have to struggle as much as you did. I mean, I can see his point, character is built through struggle...but I would hope that I would have taught my kids right so that they wouldn't lose their heads.

So basically, if you don't do enought for your kids, they're screwed up for life...and if you do too much for your kids, they're screwed up for life. Hmm. I hope it's not as delicate a balance as it seems to be. I guess at some point a parent has to accept that they're going to screw up their kids in some way, and just do the best they can in spite of it.

ANYWAY. Before I had kids, I never really thought about what it would be like. I never "planned" for them or "dreamed" for them...I figured one day I would have them and didn't give it too much thought beyond that. I remember before I had Seth, my cousin said that after she had kids she was surprised just how much she could love someone else, and it seemed like a cliche to me at the time, but it is so true. It IS like your heart walking around outside of your body. I never knew that the smell of my daughter's hair would be so intoxicating (I'm in trouble when she figures out what I'm doing...she would never stand for that much affection if she knew that's what it was). I never knew that my son's laugh could bring joy into my heart, even on the darkest of days.

No matter what happens, I don't regret a minute of my life...because it's what led up to creation of my kids, and I can't imagine life without them.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

is this a test?

So I was opening a candy bar (hershey's with almonds) and there were instructions on how to get the wrapper open. "Hold here" and "tear here." I almost looked around for a hidden camera, thinking that maybe it was a test of some sort. If you can't figure out how to get into a candy bar, you are too stupid to reproduce and they immediately remove you from the gene pool. It must be for those same people that need the "do not use while sleeping" warning on a hair dryer.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Stolen from another blog

But it looked fun. SO if anyone cares, I'm going to set my iPod to shuffle and see what the first 10 songs are. Here goes:

  1. Jet - Cold Hard Bitch. Oh yeeeahhh. I'm not a cold hard bitch, but it's an awesome song.
  2. Fastball - Out of My Head. I keep meaning to delete that one. I like when I hear it on the radio, but whenever it comes up on my iPod I think, "didn't I delete that one yet?"
  3. Tom Petty - Here Comes My Girl. I just like the whole "my girl" thing. That's "my girl." I want to be a girl until I'm old. If I don't feel like a woman at 31, when will I?
  4. Wham - Everything She Wants. Ok, that's sort of embarassing. At least it's not "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go"...NO I don't have that one. And now that we all know George Michael doesn't even LIKE girls...well no wonder he doesn't even know if he loves her.
  5. Our Lady Peace - Is Anybody Home? I love OLP. I went to one of their concerts, and it was so good. Good memories...
  6. The Lemonheads - Mrs. Robinson. I used to be IN LOVE with Evan Dando.
  7. The Cure - Love Song. More memories.
  8. Don Henley - All She Wants to Do is Dance. This one is more for Anna, she likes it.
  9. Beatles - Hey Jude. Who DOESN'T like Hey Jude?
  10. Carol King - I Feel the Earth Move. I love her, she has an awesome voice.
And that's it.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


I love this picture. I just remember being a kid and thinking dandelions were great, too. And I just love how she refuses to let go of them once she's got them. So sweet. Any time we take a walk (because WE do not have those WEEDS in OUR YARD!!! -that's Chappie talking) we have to stop a million times to pick the flowers. She's got a thing for rocks, too. She gets so excited..."I fine a wock!" How can you not get excited, too?

I think I'm going to start blogging again

Not that any of you even CHECK this anymore, I'm such a flake. I signed up on myspace, which you probably know, but I just feel like I might be too old for it. Or not. I don't know. I think I like this format better, though.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

very nice, McDonald's

Seth got this in a happy meal. It's from the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe...which are fantastic books and I hear the movie is very unoffensive. No blood or gore in the fight scenes or anything.

I just thought this guy was a funny thing to give to kids. Not for the sword so much, but there's a button on the back that makes his arm move...and he slashes like Jason from Friday the 13th! Haha. I can almost hear it saying "killkillkillkillkillkillkillkill".

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

want to know what I googled?

"snoring homicide". Because I thought there HAS to be someone, somewhere that was going through the perfect storm: some PMS, a head cold, crabby kids all day...and then got in bed and tried to go to sleep but couldn't because her husband was sawing logs next to her in bed, and she just SNAPPED.

Believe it or not, I could only find reference to some notorious gunfigher who killed some other guy for snoring, and it's only a rumor. Plus he was a pretty badass dude, so I'm sure that had more to do with it than the snoring. But still. It HAS happened.

He's tried the nasal strips. Nothing. The doctor gave him some nasal spray crap which seemed to be working but now...nothing. I think the next step is a sleep study, where he has to go sleep somewhere where they hook him up to some equipment of some sort to see if there's a physiological cause. I just want him to go so I can have one good night's sleep! Can they do a weeklong sleep study?

If the kids were older I'd do earplugs, but I can't right now since Anna's still apt to wake up screaming once every couple weeks for no apparent reason, and of course Seth won't stay in bed for more than four hours at a stretch. And dad's no help in his snoring coma, I'd probably hear them first even WITH the earplugs.

As you can see, the recurring theme in my life right now is NOT ENOUGH SLEEP. It's consuming my thoughts. If my husband wouldn't think it was weird, I'd pay a good price to go stay in a nice hotel BY MYSELF for one night. Ahh the luxury of it.

Monday, January 09, 2006

one of those things they don't tell you

You know, before you were a parent, there were things you knew about kids...but then the bigger list was things you didn't know, and you didn't even know you didn't know them. So you went around in your little innocent haze and had your little innocent picture of how it was going to go once you had your own kids.

So, everybody knows that you're going to lose sleep when you first have a baby. Right? Comes with the territory. Seth was a bad sleeper till about 5 months, and then magically he was fine. Great. Been great for the last 3 or so years.

Of course now we're having this sleeping issue. Won't go to bed, and even worse, gets up at all hours of the night just because...what...he misses me? Or something. Call CPS, but I don't miss my kid at 2am when I'm happily snoozing.

Being the modern mother I am, I consulted my internet friends, and then did a search. And it said that not only is it completely normal for 3 year olds to go through this...but that at age FIVE they usually grow out of it. WHAT?

I could hang if it were just ok, it's going to suck for another year probably...ok maybe I couldn't. But think about it. Anna is 26 months younger than Seth. So....Seth turns five and then....Anna turns three! Which means three more years of potentially dealing with this. I'm tired.

Anyway, my point was, I DID NOT KNOW THIS until now. I thought you had a good sleeper or a bad sleeper and that was how they were FOR THE REST OF TIME. I'm a little disillusioned. I'm trying to remember if I was ever smug about what a good sleeper Seth was. Probably. That's why this is happening. I have displeased the parenting gods.

I better go to bed. I have a date in a few hours.

Friday, January 06, 2006

I'm a crappy blogger

It has been almost a month since my last post...I just actually don't have anything to say. Ok, that's not true. I just don't think I personally like this medium of communication, you know? I love to READ other people's blogs, but I just don't think I have interesting enough things to say on my own. I'd rather post it on the board and at least have something of a conversation about I think I may be ending my short lived blogging career.