Monday, October 24, 2005


That's how we say it in our house. "PUMPKINS!!!" We're very excited about the pumpkins.

Look! Seth didn't gag at all!

Yes, he is in his underwear. He
was sick all weekend, why bother
with clothes?

I wish I'd never taught them to
say "cheese". Now I can never
get a normal smile.


Kathleen said...

LOL Glad to see Trinity isn't the only undies only 3 1/2 yr old. Hey at least he had a shirt on.

I hear you on the Cheese. Stupid grins and squished up eyes.

Leslie said...

Oh you will love those pictures when they get older and will be able to hear them saying CHEESE through them! Cuuuute pics!

Jill said...

WTG Seth on no gagging! You're mommy cracks me up. Jules was scared of 'the brains'.