Monday, January 09, 2006

one of those things they don't tell you

You know, before you were a parent, there were things you knew about kids...but then the bigger list was things you didn't know, and you didn't even know you didn't know them. So you went around in your little innocent haze and had your little innocent picture of how it was going to go once you had your own kids.

So, everybody knows that you're going to lose sleep when you first have a baby. Right? Comes with the territory. Seth was a bad sleeper till about 5 months, and then magically he was fine. Great. Been great for the last 3 or so years.

Of course now we're having this sleeping issue. Won't go to bed, and even worse, gets up at all hours of the night just because...what...he misses me? Or something. Call CPS, but I don't miss my kid at 2am when I'm happily snoozing.

Being the modern mother I am, I consulted my internet friends, and then did a search. And it said that not only is it completely normal for 3 year olds to go through this...but that at age FIVE they usually grow out of it. WHAT?

I could hang if it were just ok, it's going to suck for another year probably...ok maybe I couldn't. But think about it. Anna is 26 months younger than Seth. So....Seth turns five and then....Anna turns three! Which means three more years of potentially dealing with this. I'm tired.

Anyway, my point was, I DID NOT KNOW THIS until now. I thought you had a good sleeper or a bad sleeper and that was how they were FOR THE REST OF TIME. I'm a little disillusioned. I'm trying to remember if I was ever smug about what a good sleeper Seth was. Probably. That's why this is happening. I have displeased the parenting gods.

I better go to bed. I have a date in a few hours.


Jill said...

OOoo Parenting Gods. Do you have their address? I have a letter I need to write.

Really, until FIVE? What's up with THAT?!

Leslie said...

There is hope...I dont remember jentry ever getting up lots of times in the nights. I remember in first grade she had a lot of night terrors. But I dont remember the 3-5 thing...soooo maybe it will get better before then???? Lets hope for your sake. I know what its like to be sleep derpived. Im living it now.

Kathleen said...

Yeah, we go thrue periods of that as well. Just the other night I woke up with her sound asleep between us. Not a clue when she arrived. LOL

Tracey said...

I wake up the second his feet hit the floor. I hear him hit the side of his bed and know he's coming in...I hate being such a light sleeper. And a lot of nights I can't get back to sleep because he gets up like 3 times in a row and then I'm AWAKE and it can take up to an HOUR to get back to sleep. Ugh.