Tuesday, January 10, 2006

want to know what I googled?

"snoring homicide". Because I thought there HAS to be someone, somewhere that was going through the perfect storm: some PMS, a head cold, crabby kids all day...and then got in bed and tried to go to sleep but couldn't because her husband was sawing logs next to her in bed, and she just SNAPPED.

Believe it or not, I could only find reference to some notorious gunfigher who killed some other guy for snoring, and it's only a rumor. Plus he was a pretty badass dude, so I'm sure that had more to do with it than the snoring. But still. It HAS happened.

He's tried the nasal strips. Nothing. The doctor gave him some nasal spray crap which seemed to be working but now...nothing. I think the next step is a sleep study, where he has to go sleep somewhere where they hook him up to some equipment of some sort to see if there's a physiological cause. I just want him to go so I can have one good night's sleep! Can they do a weeklong sleep study?

If the kids were older I'd do earplugs, but I can't right now since Anna's still apt to wake up screaming once every couple weeks for no apparent reason, and of course Seth won't stay in bed for more than four hours at a stretch. And dad's no help in his snoring coma, I'd probably hear them first even WITH the earplugs.

As you can see, the recurring theme in my life right now is NOT ENOUGH SLEEP. It's consuming my thoughts. If my husband wouldn't think it was weird, I'd pay a good price to go stay in a nice hotel BY MYSELF for one night. Ahh the luxury of it.


Leslie said...

My dad snores sooooo bad. So Im feeling your pain. Everytime we go camping with them I wonder why I did. To just lay up all night listening to him?? Anyway, I hear if people lay on their sides they dont snore as much so people tape tennis balls to their back so they stay on their side...I know it wouldnt work for my dad..and he would still snore..but maybe Chappie would try it??? Oh and Im suggesting he wear PJ's for this...could you imagine taping a ball to your hairy back???

Jill said...

I adore that you googled it. Ooooohhh that made me laugh. what a way to get out some frustration! Too bad you didn't find more companions.

Kathleen said...

Oh that sucks. DH snores on occasion. Usually I just shove him and he moves into a different position and stops snoring.

Tracey said...

he does lay on his side, Leslie! And his back isn't hairy...eww.