Saturday, June 27, 2009


So we have to get this bloodwork done to determine where the mutation on Seth's gene is, plus she wants to check a bunch of other levels that have to be monitored once he starts the deflazacourt. It's been two weeks and the insurance company still has not authorized it. I called yesterday and after being put on hold three times the lady said that all she could say was that it was received and that it was in process. When I asked her why it took so long, she said (rather snippily, I might add), "that's the process."

I honestly don't understand what the hold up is. Like the doctor said, the old way-a muscle biopsy-is way more expensive. You have to get an anesthesiologist and a surgeon and it's a much bigger deal. I understand that it's a more complicated blood test and has to be done at a university in Georgia, but it's still cheaper than a muscle biopsy. There is another family I've been talking to who live in the area whose son was diagnosed last year and they are STILL waiting for their insurance company to pay for the test-they didn't do a pre-authorization on it. Their insurance company is claiming it's a non-essential test. A genetic test is not essential in helping diagnose a genetic disease? Since when???

I was thinking yesterday that I should probably get used to this waiting game when it comes to insurance. And I am so grateful that we HAVE insurance, and it's pretty good insurance, too. I'm just really frustrated with this "process." We can't start the meds till we get the results of those other levels. I suppose we could do it separately but then Seth would have to endure TWO blood draws, and if we don't have to do that, I'd rather not. He had one and it didn't go too terribly but it did hurt and he wasn't a big fan of the whole thing...and I guess two weeks won't make that big of a difference in regards to starting the meds, but I just want to get it going!

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