Monday, October 24, 2005

The usual suspects

Name: Seth Charles
Age: 3 1/2
Nicknames: Bubby, Punkin Head
Likes: things that go, tormenting
his sister, lemonade
Dislikes: food that is not processed
beyond recognition, people
touching his feet

Name: Anna Elizabeth
Age: 1 1/2
Nicknames: Trouble, Banana
Likes: milk, doggies, shoes
Dislikes: Being tormented by
her brother, wearing shoes in
the car, being cold

Name: Lucy (Kitty)
Age: undetermined
Nicknames: Smelly Cat, Houdini
Likes: naps, Whiska Lickins, naps,
Whiska Lickins, escaping to the great
Dislikes: vacuums, tail pulling, head
butting, being chased


Lisa said...

love it :) love it!

Leslie said...

haha thats cute Tracey!

Jill said...

Anna Banana. Took me a minute on the banana. It is early. Awesome pics!