Thursday, December 15, 2005

seriously....STOP GROWING UP SO FAST!!!

I wish I had believed people when they told me it goes much faster with the second child. I don't know what it is. I guess with Seth it was always so exciting to get to the next stage, since I had never been through it. And now I know that after they're all sweet and cute, they turn three and it's all over....

But really. Look at how much she has changed since her birthday. I know this is when they change the fastest and all that, but that doesn't make me feel any better. LOOK HOW SWEET SHE WAS WHEN SHE WAS ONE! LOOK AT HER LITTLE TOOFERS! SHE EVEN USED TO SMILE FOR PICTURES! She's becoming a LITTLE GIRL.

But ok, it IS cute and fun when they're learning how to talk. My current favorite "anna-isms":
  • she says "help you" when she needs help, because I always say "do you need me to help you?"
  • if you ask her what a pig says, she says "la la la" because of this book we have where it says "three singing pigs say la la la!".
  • "I love you" sounds like "I wib yooouuuuu". She says it when I put her down in her crib. I know she doesn't know what it means, but I don't care.
  • "Seth" is pronounced "Sessss".
  • For some reason she likes to use this really deep exorcist voice sometimes. Especially when she says "hey baby". Very amusing.
  • Frogs (pogs) say "bobbbiittt!"
There are tons more, but you get the idea. Intense cuteness all day long. I hate thinking that some day she's going to use that adorable little mouth to tell me she hates me because I won't let her go to some party or something.



Jill said...

Wow. HUGE difference since one. Look at her! The baby is disappearing. I loved 18 months but you are right, this age moves soooo quickly. They don't give you enough time to enjoy them as is.

Kathleen said...

Yeah, the second one is so so fast!!! She lost her baby chub. Wah! :)