Friday, June 02, 2006

How do people do this?

Sell their house, I mean? Without it looking like somebody actually lives there? The people that we bought this one from had THREE kids, PLUS she was pregnant...but I think she worked, so maybe it would be slightly easier to keep the house clean if nobody was home all day. But they even had a Golden Retriever and the house was so clean the two times we looked at it. I suspect she had a cleaning service. Hmmm not a bad idea, now is it?

I think it would be ok if my kids went to live somewhere else and took the hairy cat with them. I've already banned the cat from upstairs and the kids from the basement...what's next? They'll have an area of three feet by three feet that they must stay in at all times when in the house.


Lisa said...

i have been absent on the boards - is your house on the market? i cant imagine - but will hopefully soon find out how hard it is. i am DEFINATELY having a cleaning service. there is no way i could make my house clean enough all at the same time.

Jill said...

The very reason I will likely never move.

Leslie said...

But you have to remember...the house ALWAYS looks cleaner when you dont have to clean it yourself. KWIM?!?

Kathleen said...

UGH!! What a nightmare!