Wednesday, June 07, 2006

So the karma fairy bit me in the ass again

We were at the mall today and there were two little boys going AT IT. Fighting, biting, was ugly. So I said "I'm glad we had one of each so they're not so competitive." Ha. HA HA. Tonight my kids were fighting over...get this....A PIECE OF PAPER. Paper! I shit you not.

I was reading, and happened to have a piece of paper folded in half in my book. It fell out, Anna saw it, so she was looking at it. All of a sudden Seth forgets all about his new cars (from the new CARS movie that's coming out Friday) that he has been hoarding all night, and MUST play post office with this piece of paper. He cannot LIVE if Anna does not want to play post office with it. He tries to entice her to trade her paper for a post it: "look Anna! Look at this little piece of paper! It sticks!!! It's FUN! IT'S A STICKER!!!!"

Well it all went rapidly downhill from the fantastic post it, and ended with Seth holding Anna against the wall and wrestling the paper from her. He got in trouble, and was crying, and then Anna decided to crumple the paper up, which sent him RIGHT over the edge. Luckily (for him or us? I'm not sure) it was right about bedtime, so off he went.

I guess I need to make an offering to the karma fairy or something.


Jill said...

HHHAHHHAAA. And yet, somehow these spats turn into life long sibling bonds that no one can come between.

Kathleen said...

LOLOLOLOLOL Sounds just like my house. A piece of paper...LOLOLOL

Lisa said...

one single sheet of paper can turn things sooooo bad, cant they? its amazing! LOL