Thursday, July 20, 2006

is that really a NAME?

So in the month I've been in North Carolina, I've come across two women named "Bunny." One on TV and one I met today at the gym. Huh. I can honestly say in my 31 years of living in Michigan, I never once met anyone named Bunny. Is it short for something? Or did their parents actually look at their little baby daughters and say "I like the name Bunny"? But the woman I met today sort of met my expectations of a Bunny...her second sentence was (I asked her if the muscle pump class we were about to start was good) "and I just went to my 40 year high school reunion and I was the best looking one there." She DID look good but really. Conceited much?

Oh and speaking of names...we were at some place and they had shot glasses, and out of the corner of my eye I noticed they had one with "Harlan" on it. Again, in 31 years, never even MET a Harlan, let alone enough Harlans for it to be common enough to be on things like shot glasses or key chains. Of course I had to look and see if they had any with Seth's name on it. Not that Seth is in dire need of a shot glass or anything (although a little whiskey might not be SO bad if it meant he would SLEEP LATER...KIDDING!!) but I figure if they had HARLAN, they should have Seth. But they didn't.

Now my quest is to meet a couple whose names are Harlan and Bunny.


Leslie said...

Scotts moms aunt was Aunt Bunny but it was short for something. Something so not related to the word bunny...but I cant remember what it was.

But I do know that Bunny is short for Bernice.

Tracey said...

I guess if my name was bernice I'd go by Bunny too.

Leslie said...

Oh yeah, her name was Harriet. I dont know how she got Bunny out of that.

Jill said...

LMAO. I've never met a Bunny or Harlan either. Actually not sure I've even heard the name Harlan. How long before you meet Cookie?

Lisa said...


wasnt BUCKY from American Idol from ...over yonder by you folks in the carolinas?