Friday, September 22, 2006

Resistance is futile

When my kids were born, I was sort of anti-kids' music. I don't think it matters when they're really little, and then as Seth got bigger, I noticed he liked Barenaked Ladies, then the Beatles, and other "real" music. I mean, sure, we sang the songs ourselves, but I couldn't stand the CDs where kids sang, or even worse, when they use *that lady* with the really cloying voice. You know *that lady*, right? It might be different people, but they all have that certain kind of voice.

Well. Let me tell you. I listened to a veggie tales CD TWO TIMES today. And we have this other one with all those nursery rhyme songs on it sung by *that lady* AND kids...of course the kids love it. I'll look back and see them both slack jawed, soaking it all in. It's like I've deprived them of this vital nourishment their whole lives, and now they're making up for the lack. And of course it can't be Laurie Berkener that gives them this response, because I actually enjoy her has to be the most annoying kind of kids' music in existence.

Of course I put it on. Anna has gotten particularly demanding in the car lately, and I have the choice to either lose my ever loving mind from her screaming, or from the horrible music. Since the music doesn't make me want to jump out of the moving vehicle, I'm going with that.

I know this is just the beginning. In a few short years they will be harassing me to put in whatever it is kids are going to be listening to then. I can't wait!!!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Gotta do what ya gotta do. Annoying music is better then annoying kids.