Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I don't get it

I LOVE the internet. Think it's the best thing EVER. Of course it has it's downfalls, like anything, and I think the biggest one is that it brings the weirdos together. I mean, there were always pedophiles and people who like to be crapped on out there, but before the internet, they kept it low key because they KNEW they were fucked up, right? But now there are communities out there for every damn thing, and the weird and hateful now know that there are OTHER weird and hateful people out there just like them, and now they don't feel so weird anymore. Things that were once frowned upon, and still should be, are becoming more acceptable, and in some cases, even mainstream.

I think it's fine for some things...I mean, if someone WANTS be crapped on and can find someone to be the crapper, well everyone's happy there, right? So whatever. You have your life and I have mine, and if I choose to keep the crap in the toilet, well that's my prerogative.

The thing that gets me the most is the child haters. There are TONS of message boards out there for them, and now it's OKAY to hate kids! I mean, not that it wasn't before, but this is really extreme. Wishing bodily harm and/or death on children? Why is this ok? If someone said the same thing about their DOG, they'd be horrified, but for some reason in their mind it's ok to joke about a kid getting kidnapped or hit by a car.

I get that some people don't want to have kids. I can see why they feel that way! It's not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. Of course (and I know the child free HATE when people say this), they have no idea what they're missing out on, and most of the time the rewards far outweigh the fact that you have to give up your carefree jet-setting lifestyle that the child-free always cite as one of their reasons for not having kids...but whatever. Your choice, I could care less.

And yes, I do know that not all child-free people necessarily hate children or wish them harm. I hope it's a small but vocal minority. I read some of the postings on these message boards and I'm pretty sure that a lot of the people on there that say they told this "breeder" or that "crotchfruit" off are full of shit, too.

So yeah, I don't get it. Apparently these people wish that everyone would stop having kids. Okay. Let's say for a minute that this was possible. Then what? And (another argument I'm sure they hate) who is going to take care of the old and infirm? And I don't mean financially...I'm sure people without kids are especially able to put aside money for the eventuality that they won't be able to take care of themselves, but who is that money going to be paying? It's those people who are kids now, that are going to grow up to be doctors, or nurses, or pharmacists, or even ass wipers at nursing homes.

Whitney Houston may be certifiably insane, but she was right: children ARE our future. And most of us horrible breeders are doing the best we can, and our kids are going to grow up to be responsible citizens. And maybe we can round up all the people that didn't want them to grow up and they can figure out how to take care of themselves without the help of those they now refer to as "demon spawn."


Leslie said...

You know, thats something Ill never understand either. And when these people are sitting all alone when they are old...at least they will have their big bank accounts..right?

Jill said...

I agree with your theory too of allowing crazies to enjoy their craziness and enhancing all that much more. I choose to ignore it on a daily basis but then I see the whole 'dating a teen girl thing' on dateline and stuff with these old men pervs. The Internet validates them somehow.

Breeders - lord - WTFever. HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET HERE?? KMA.

Lisa said...

*UGH - i had no idea that there were child haters. :(
(other then Lisa A) (lol)