Sunday, February 28, 2010

Anna's big plan

When Anna grows up, she wants to be a princess. Not so unusual for a little girl, I guess. It's just sweet how she's convinced it will work out somehow. I told her that she'd have to marry a prince, and that there aren't really any in Zeeland. She said she'd take a bus to get to where they are. I told her that that was fine, but she had to go to college first so she could have a job she liked. "Princesses don't work!" she said. She also told me that I could be one of her maids. I declined that offer. She already acts like I'm her servant as it is. I told her she better put me up in a nice room in her castle and I would have my OWN maids. And they would have to listen to her maids complain about high maintenance she is. How she has to have her cereal in a certain bowl, with a cup of milk, the proper spoon AND a napkin, or she will flip out. And if her chair is cold there better be a blanket on it, and they better cover her up with it when she wants them to (even if they just asked her two minutes ago if she wanted to be covered up) or ELSE!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Sounds like a princess to me. Chase wants to be an octypus.