Monday, May 31, 2010

What's new with Anna

At Seth's first communion

Teaching Romeo tricks

Learning how to ride a two-wheeler

Turning six!!

Anna's been busy just being Anna! She is almost done with kindergarten and is definitely ready for first grade. She's already reading chapter books! She comes up with some interesting words, though...she was looking at the back of her Where's Waldo book where they had the other books listed, and she asked me what one said. I said it was "Where's Waldo, the Fanstastic Journey." She thought a minute and said, "Oh! I thought it said 'Where's Waldo, the Fanciest Junior.' But then I thought, 'that doesn't make sense!'" She cracks me up.
She is trying to learn to ride a bike-the picture above is on a neighbor's little bike, which she can ride, but she won't try her bigger bike. Even though as you can see, she's way too big for that little one. I know she could do it if she would just overcome her fear, but you can't tell her that. I'm sure she'll be doing it in a few weeks.
I can't believe she's six already! That's like moving from little kid to big kid. I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet.

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