Monday, May 31, 2010

What's new with Seth

Seth turned eight on Marcy 26 (I know I'm behind!) Then he got baptized at the Easter Vigil, and took his first communion a couple weeks after that. The picture above is in front of church. As you can see he was very excited...he didn't want his shirt buttoned all the way up, didn't want to wear the tie, didn't want to do the whole thing at all. I don't know what his problem was. Eventually he cheered up, here he is below with the whole group and Father Charlie. That's Bella to the right.

He saved up his money from his baptism, birthday, and communion and bought himself an electric scooter. It goes 10 mph, he loves to just zoom around the neighborhood. As I try not to freak out and worry he's going to wipe out and break something or get hit by a car. This way he can at least go as fast as the other kids and not get tired so quickly.
He's doing pretty well overall, as his parents we notice the little things, but even his teacher said she didn't think he looked much different physically than he did at the beginning of the year. Summer's coming up so he'll have his round of appointments-MDA clinic, bone density test, cardiology in July. We finally got in with pulmonology in October. And we'll just keep taking it day by day.

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