Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 more weeks...

Saw ortho today-they did another x-ray that still did not show a fracture, but "just to be safe," they want to leave the cast on for three more weeks.  Which is frustrating.  I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, because I'm sure they are doing what they think is best, but is it really best to leave him in a cast for three more weeks when his muscles aren't like other kids, especially if there's not really anything wrong?  I thought of questions after we left-at that point I had listened to the kids fight for the last 1 1/2 hours and my brain was fried (this is why I prefer for Anna not to come to these appointments...)  Like-the doctor said at his last visit that IF it were fractured they would be able to tell on the x-rays they were taking today.  The PA we saw today said the bones were all aligned properly and they still did not see a fracture (bony reaction or otherwise).  So...why do we still need the cast?  They are going to x-ray it again in three weeks, so what that tells me is that there is still a chance (albeit small) that it IS a fracture.  SO why did the doctor last week tell me we'd know for sure by today??  Maybe he didn't actually tell me that, but it was definitely implied. 

Anyway.  I should be grateful that he's still able to walk on it and is getting around fine.  I'm just a little nervous what his ankle will be like when the cast comes off.  He's compensating when he walks, so I'm afraid once it's off, he will have a bit of a hard time getting back to walking normally.  And by then, school will be back in session...I just have to take things one step at a time, I know that, but it just seems like a lot of extra grief when there's probably not even anything wrong.  And I WOULD rather be safe, but I am just sick of cast life!!!

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