Thursday, August 19, 2010

The cast is off!

It was just really bothering me that they were leaving the cast on, so I called and left a message for the PA.  She called me back that evening and explained why she did it, but said if I really wanted it off, we could come in and she'd take it off and see if he was tender anywhere.  She was nice enough to squeeze us in before his bone density test today, so we headed in and they took it off and he wasn't tender, so she said he could just do a boot for the next 2-3 weeks.  He can take it off for swimming/bathing/stretching/etc., so that's nice for sure.  Maybe he doesn't even need it, but I was willing to compromise.  :)  So it probably isn't fractured, but he did something to it, so I guess I'm fine with keeping it supported for a few weeks. 

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