Monday, December 05, 2005

I have a confession

I hate playing cars. If I never had to play cars again for the rest of my life, that would be a-ok with me. That goes for trains, trucks, airplanes...ANY other mode of transportation. I feel like my brain is being sucked out as I drive around the track over and over and OVER again. But I do it. Because Seth wants me to. I try really hard to act like it's fun, too. It's tough some days.

I know some day when he'd rather play with his friends, I'm going to wish he would play with me. Some day when he thinks I'm the most uncool (or whatever word they'll be using then) female on the planet (besides his sister, of course), I'm going to miss these days. But I still hate playing cars.

I wonder if I'll feel the same way about Barbies (or Bratz...seems like Barbie is on her way out, huh?). Speaking of...I'm considering banning Bratz on principle. They're hos! Big pouty lipstick lips, dressed like they're going out to pick up dudes. But then I try to think...did playing with Barbies influence me in any way? I don't think I need boobs big enough to make me fall over and a waist the circumference of a pie pan. Maybe I'm overthinking it.


Kathleen said...

LOL I hear ya!! Sometims it's soooo boring. I'm not digging the brats either. I'm a Barbie fan.

Leslie said...

One day you will be asking Seth to play cars. Lol. I dont like Bratz either. Jentry has a Bratz Kareoke mach. but it just says Bratz on it. I dont like how they dress either! SLUTS!

Jill said...

I'm soooo with you. Fortunately not into cars here much and Jules has a big brother which REALLY helps. Bratz blow and I've boycotted them for YEARS. Barbie - she was sort of cool - her knees bent backwards.

Lisa said...

i agree on the bratz... my mom thinks they are so cute and she is always asking if mia would like one. ????

on the car subject.... we bought some cars for cooper, or neighbor - and myself and the girls enjoyed playing with them tonight (before i wrapped them) but that dosent mean id like to play everyday :)

youll soon know if you will get sick of barbie.