Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Seth starts school in a WEEK!

I'm of course excited, but also nervous. I guess every mom is nervous about that, right? But I feel like I'm MORE nervous.

Today at the park there were some moms there I knew and one I just met, whose daughter is exactly one year (+/- 3 days) younger than Seth. And she is taller than him by like an inch! She's a tall girl, but I hate that. So I hope Seth isn't like the smallest boy in his class. I mean, at all his doctor appointments he's exactly average, has always been in the 50th why do all other four year olds (and some three year olds) look HUGE compared to him?

And then there are other things, just things I think he should be doing and I'm not sure if he just doesn't WANT to or can't, and I'm afraid that I'll find out he can't and he is more behind than I think he is, and that makes me feel bad. I know there's always a chance that once he gets around kids his own age (all the people we hang out with have two year olds) that he'll figure it out and get to I'm trying not to be too worried.

This is just my least favorite part about being a parent. I hate the fact that once he goes out into the real world, he's going to get hurt. Not physically, although I DO worry about that, but emotionally. He's sensitive and shy and I just don't want anyone to make him feel like he's not good enough for whatever reason. How do you not beat down other kids (or their parents) who make your kid feel bad? It has to be tough.

Anyway. I think preschool is going to be a good experience for both of us. It'll hopefully help me feel better about where he's at, and hopefully help him gain a little confidence and make some friends his age. So I'm really really trying to not be so nervous.

It's not working.


Lisa said...

i tootally understand those feelings. being a kid who - myself was picked on (all the time because of how i looked and because i wasnt a good reader/etc) i have so sensitive about sending mia out in the world. its such a scary feeling. i went thru it more last year when mia went to school. i was so glad that mia aligned herself with the strong/smart girl in the first weeks cause i knew - as long as they stayed friends she would be OK. but i also worried that maybe julia picked mia because she was passive and easily bossed - which i hear is not the case (wwffew) all in all its a HUGE learning experience for everyone. but i bet in acouple weeks you will feel good about everything he is being exposed too/etc,

i do remind myself that the most important thing you can give a kid is SELF ESTEEM. i never had any - and see where it got me. i try to build up mia and empower her DAILY! i hope that alone will make the difference in how the world treats her.

Leslie said...

It is sad to see them grow up...and to get picked on. One time a girl told Jentry to go home she didnt like her or something like that and I seriously do not like the girl to this day..even tho I know thats how kids are...its not fun when they get picked on. Seth will find a friend and if he gets picked on...teach him how to fight. ;-) Im playing...

Jill said...

Boy do I relate to this. "Does your child talk?" Ugh. It is so HARD to let them go and grow up. And so hard not to compare to the other kids you run across. I hate hate that I do it so much but can't stop myself.

I hope Seth loves it. And you too.

Kathleen said...

the scariest part of sending them off. worrying they will be the *weird* kid and get picked on. (((hugs))) trinitys strong in alot of ways but i worry *that* could get her picked on too kwim? this part of parenting is so hard!!!